29 Oct 2010

Watch Terminology (4)

Watches Review Center Report: Independent seconds (Seconde morte / Tote Sekunde)
Independent second hand second hand with independent drive mechanism, independent start and stop

Index (Raquette / Rückerzeiger / Raqueta)
Speed needle adjust the time precision parts

Index-adjuster (Régulateur de raquette / Rückerregler)
Is capable of very precise fine-tuning to adjust the speed of the device pin

Indicator (Indicateur / Anzeiger)
Indicator that the parameters of time and other indicators, including dial, pointer, scale, etc.

Intermediate wheel (Renvoi / Zeigerstellrad)
Allocated through the toggle pin wheel adjustment related to the time pointer of the gear unit

Jewel (Pierre / Stein)
Jewel bearing joints at both ends of the gear shaft, decrease the risk of transmission friction material, including ruby, sapphire, etc.

Jack (Jaquemart / Stundenschläger)
Bell bell dolls to simulate a status report with the arm action figure of time

Joint (Charnièie / Scharnier)
Hinged lid case and watch components, mainly being used to watch

Jumper (Sautoir / Hebelfeder)
The role of positioning rod positioning device with flexible

Jumping hours (Heures sautantes / Springende stunden)
TH-hour digital window display features directly

Jumping-seconds (Seconde foudroyante / kein deutsches Wort)
Jump for a few seconds, the second sub-display of parts, usually turning lap dance for the second pointer seconds

Karussel (Carrousel / Karussel / Carrusel)
Caruso Bonniken invented a rotary escapement

Keyless winding (Remontoir au pendant / B gelaufzug)
No key on the device in the early article in the use of a key-winding watch, and later developed by institutions such as the crown directly on the article, no key

Laple-watch (Montre-agrafe/Spangenuhr)
Brooch worn on the female form of early small watch clothes

Lever escapement (échappement à ancre / Ankerhemmung)
Fork escapement escapement independent escape wheel fork and institutions

Ligne (Ligne / Linie)
Law is divided traditionally used to measure the diameter of the length of the unit of movement, a method similar to 2.255 mm min

Luminous (Lumineux / Leucht)
Light-emitting materials can be sent in the dark light of the material, mainly used in scale, pointer, etc.

Minute repeater (Répétitionàminutes / Minuten-repetieruhr)
Three questions spring to fight to the minute of play to spring chime

Minute wheel (Roue de Minuterie / Wechselrad)
When cross-bite and round round of the gear wheel and sub-

Montion-work (Minuterie / Zeigerwerk)
Dial needle agencies linked through a series of gears, so the pointer to adjust the body

IMoon phase (Phases de lune / Mondphasen)
Moon phase is displayed on the watch the moon change disc function

Movement (Mouvement / Werk)
Movement installed in the device for watches and clocks, watches and clocks can have the function of time

Movement-blank (Ébauche / Rohrwerk)
Foundation movement is not installed escapement movement with the drive mechanism

Music mechanisms (Musique mécanique / Mechanische musik)
Spring with a timekeeping device to play music, sound the alarm and other features, the mechanical clock in the device structure, such as audio and spring, bell bowls, even the sound of the birds belong to this device

Article Source: http://www.watchreviewcenter.com

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28 Oct 2010

Watch Terminology (3)

Watches Review Center Report: Electronic watch (Montre électronique / Elektronische uhren)
Mechanical escapement speed electronic watch institutions were replaced by electronic devices, watches

Elinvar (Élinvar / Elinvar)
Terms alloy steel of a very small expansion coefficient of nickel alloy, used mainly for balance spring

Enamelling (Émaillage / Emaillierung)
Enamel process used in the case painting or surface decoration process, etc.

Endstone (Contre-pivot/Deckstein)
Fixed to the splint on the stone care to play the role of reducing the friction shaft tenon

Engine-turn (Guillocher / Guillochieren)
Carving lines on the dial there are usually a variety of lines and lines

Engraving (Gravure / Gravur)
Carving, etc. used in the case or hand movement skills

Escape wheel (Roue de échappement / Hemmungsrad)
Escape wheel in the drive gear and escapement escapement between the fork parts

Escapement (Échappement / Hemmung)
Escapement in the transmission mechanism between institutions and the speed of mechanical components

Extra-flat (Extra-flat / Extraflach)
Ultra-thin case and movement is used to indicate the thickness of thin

Factory (Fabrique / Fabrik)
Factory capable of producing movement or refers to various component parts of the watch factory

Finishing (Finissage / Fertigbearbeitung)
Assembly and other parts of the assembly movement, or post-process case

Flange (Bâte / Auflagerand)
Clamp used to secure precious metal rings the eye axis

Flat balance-spring (Spiral plat / Flache spiralfeder)
Gossamer gossamer a planar way around

Flute (Cannelure / Rille)
Groove around the crown or the case in the watch with the concave and convex side of the lines

Fly-back (Retour-en-vol/Einholzeiger)
Returned in time in the chronograph second hand can be quickly re-start function of time

Fork (Fourchette / Gabel)
Fork escapement escapement fork is part of body

Free-sprung (Spiral Libre / Freie spiralfeder)
Free shells folder put gossamer gossamer parts removed, to avoid interference with gossamer a design by the friction

Fusee (Fusée / Schnecke)
Tapered round will be a load as evenly as possible to transfer power to the drive mechanism of the power plant

Gasket (Joint / Dichtung)
Waterproof gasket for waterproof rubber or plastic material

Gear-train (Rouage / Räderwerk)
Round out power transmission gear body

Gild (Dorer / Vergolden)
Gold through a specific method to add gold in the metal plating process

Glucydur (Glucydur / Glucydur)
Terms used primarily for the manufacture of alloy wheel of the beryllium copper alloy

Gold (Or / Gold)
Gold density, low hardness of the metal, used for manufacture of the case and strap

Gong (Timbre / Schlagclocke)
Article spring spring institutions play audible device is struck

Grand Strike (Grande Sonnerie / Grosses Schlagwerk)
A full set of features from the Ming and quarter of an hour when the clocks timekeeping function automatically ring

Guard-pin (Dard / Sicherheitsstift)
Scalp escapement fork in the fork of a part (h)

Guilloché (Guillochis / Guillochis)
Machine carving machine carving patterns with special technology

Half-quarter repeater (Sonnerie à demi-quarts/Halbviertelstunden-Schlagwerk)
Banke asked to report hours, at quarter of an hour, playing the spring function reported Banke

Hand (Aiguille / Zeiger)
Pointer is used to indicate time of needles

Heart-piece (Coeur / Herz)
Heart-shaped chronograph wheel to achieve zero function pointer device (a)

Helical balance-spring (Le spiral cylindrique / zylindrische spiralfeder)
Gossamer cylinder

Horn (Corne / Horn)
Case and strap lugs connection

Hour (Heure / Stunde)
Hour one of the units of measurement

Hour-wheel (Canon / Stundenrad)
When the clock running gear wheel drive

Hunter (Savonnette / Sprungdeckel)
Hunting the surface of the watch in order to avoid the broken glass on the surface coverage in the case of the watch types

Article Source: http://www.watchreviewcenter.com
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27 Oct 2010

Watch Terminology (2)

Watches Review Center Report: Calibre (Calibre / Kaliber)

No. movement parameters used to represent the movement model

Cannon-pinion (Chaussée / Minutenrohr)
Minute travel time sub-wheel drive gear

Case (Boîte / Gehäuse)
Case for the protection of the movement, played against dust, moisture, and the role of the appearance of the pieces of anti-collision

Centre-wheel (Roue de grandemoyenne / Minutenrad)
Center gear wheel in the center board

Ceramic (Céramique / Keramik)
Ceramics zirconia powder as raw material, after sintering formed. Advantage of anti-wear, will not cause skin allergic reactions, case and strap used for manufacturing

Champlevé (Champlevé / Grubengeschmolzen)
Enamel sculpture carved in metal and filled with enamel surface craft materials

Check-spring (Pout sautoir / Stellhebelfeder)
Compression spring pull pressure retaining parts cover

Chronograph (Chronographe / Chronograph)
Chronograph in addition to travel time, you can also record something of the individual time spent recording surface directions at different times of the small needle plate

Chronometer (Chronomètre / Chronometer)
Chronometer testing organizations through specific ways according to different test qualified, in terms of travel time with high precision, and on the surface there is a corresponding identity. It was mainly detected in the observatory body, it is also known as "the Observatory clock", and now is the result of the official Swiss chronometer inspection body (COSC-Controle Officiel Suisse des Chronomètres) test pass certificates

Click (Cliquet / Sperrkegel)
Pawl fixed or driven gear in a single direction of rotation of the parts within

Clock (Horloge / Grossuhr)
Clock indicate the time of the instrument

Cloisonné (Cloisonné / Fachwerk)
Enamel filigree contours and composition of the wire enamel fill process material

Clutch-wheel (Pignon coulant / Schiebetrieb)
The role of the clutch wheel with the clutch gear

Coaxial escapement (Échappement à coaxial / Koaxialhemmung)
Coaxial escapement

Compensation balance (Balancier compensateur / Kompensations-unruh)
Compensation balance with the balance to adapt to temperature changes

Crown (Couronne / Krone)
Section with the crown and the dial needles on the role of the knob

Crown-wheel (Pignon de remontoir / Aufzugstrieb)
Wheel and a small drum set occlusal vertical gear

Crystal (Glace / Glas)
Watch glass used to protect the clear dial

Cylinder escapement (Échappement à cylindre / Zylinderhemmung)
The word wheel escapement

Date (Quanti me / Datum)
Calendar date display on the dial

Detent escapement (Échappementdétente / Chronometerhemmung)
Observatory escapement

Dial (Cadran / Zifferblatt)
Time-scale dial face plate

Double roller (Double-plateau/Zweiteilige rolle)
Double disc installed in the governor body on the balance wheel parts

Duplex escapement (Échappementà duplex / Duplexhemmung)
Duplex escapement

Driving (Chassage / Einpressen)
Riveting the watch drill press into the process of its location

Dustproof (Antipoussière / Staubgesch tzt)
Dust and prevent dust from entering the performance of case

Article Source: http://www.watchreviewcenter.com

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26 Oct 2010

Glossary of Watch Terms (1)

Watches Review Center Report: Alarm (Réveil / Wecker / Sveglia)
Alarm on the watch case with two crown, one of which can set the alarm time, when it will be a high-speed vibration by the hammer struck the back cover of case time has come to remind

Antimagnetic (Antimagnétique / Antimagnetisch / Antimagnetico)
Magnetic mechanical watch movement is the most important body system, balance spring, if it is affected by the magnetic force is bound to produce errors in travel time, people began very early when looking for a solution, the current widespread use of non-magnetic balance wheel and gossamer, they were used made of bronze and nickel alloys, with anti-magnetic properties. The standard is generally shielded 4800A / m

Applique (Applique / Auflage / Aplique)
Insert word block with tick marks on the metal stamping, riveting press the dial key

Assemble (Remonter / Zusammensetzen / Montar)
Assembled to watch the movement of various parts of the process together

Atmos (Atmos / Atmos / Atmós)
Bell Air 1928, Jean-Léon Reutter engineers invented the clock with air-powered, the principle is completely sealed in a container filled with gas, according to temperature expansion or contraction of gas to generate continuous power, in Celsius range of 15-30 degrees, as long as the change was to provide 48 hours of operation will be the energy

Amplitude (Amplitude / Schwingungsweite / Amplitud)
Swing angle of rotation of the watch balance wheel size, generally between 180-315 degrees

Automatic (Automatique / Automatisch / Automático)
Automatically rely on the activities of human arm, the movement through the built-in automatic device to watch on the tight winding

Automation (Automation / Automation / Automación)
Doll can automatically generate automated dolls in action, in the early production of clocks often, mainly by virtue of mechanical power source, transmission through the completion of sophisticated

Balance (Balancier / Unruh / Bilanciere)
The role of balance wheel oscillation speed of the main parts of body

Balance-cock (Coq / Unruhkloben / Coq)
Splint balance wheel balance wheel to play a supportive role in the metal parts

Balance-spring (Spiral / Spiralfeder / Spirale)
Balance wheel balance spring to produce rotation of the wire back

Barrel (Barillet / Federhaus / Bariletto)
Article box spring directly driven by the wheel gear

Barrel-arbor (Arbre de barillet / Federwelle / Albero del bariletto)
Article axis surrounded by winding the metal shaft, can play the role of the fixed end of spring

Bezel (Lunette / Lünette / Lunette)
Outer parts of glass fixed watch, mainly to play the dual role of decorative and practical

Bimetallic (Bimétallique / Zweimetallisch / Bimetálico)
Bi-metal copper and steel are two materials used for the different temperature expansion coefficient, the temperature change on the impact of changes in mechanical clocks, balance wheel used in the early days of manufacturing

Bevel (Biseau / Abschrcgung / Bisel)
Chamfered corners of parts for the manual movement of grinding processes

Brass (Laiton / Messing / Ottone)
Brass containing 30% -40% zinc composition of the alloy of copper and zinc, mainly for the manufacture of the main plywood, plywood, round columns, and case and so on.

Bridge (Pont / Kloben / Puente)
Support the movement of various parts of plywood bracket

Article Source: http://www.watchreviewcenter.com

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25 Oct 2010

How to Choose the Watch Store

Watches Review Center Report: How to buy the watch? In fact, this is sometimes even relatively senior watch fans confused the issue, as the economy, aesthetic awareness, brand concept, consumption levels and changes in taste, fans of each watch will have their choice more or less doubt. Based on the above considerations, the watch summarizes the many lessons lost friends, bought a new watch provides the basic selection method, here, we only make some brief, but still feel fear, after all, misleading the suspect. If the idea of consistent and watch fans allowed to be proved, it is the best, if inconsistent with the idea of watch fans, it really is to correct me a lot of readers.

For starters, choose the correct watch is a guarantee of their own shop. Although some pathways may get a lower discount, but the risk also will be bigger, after all, for the novice, reliable seller is the only desirable way.
I. watch shops the size of: the watch should be selected old shop, has a good reputation, and have a certain scale. This can ensure more choice of brands and styles, watchs, bigger stores, the greater the scope of natural selection, the most important thing is do not worry about the watch that the store will close down and affect the service.
II. watch store location: should try to choose a local watch shop. And selected models from the point of sale in the local watch more convenient to buy. A friend told me that he often went to the watch shop and the sale of watch talk, Miss, and finally to a staggering discount actually won a section they like to say that this is a buy a watch from the local advantage.
III. watch store sale: large formal watch usually has a professional repair shop maintenance and after-sales service. After-sales service includes a warranty and service outside the warranty period. And formal shops in the service watch has a price tag in the content for different brands have different specifications of price maintenance projects to avoid some unnecessary suspicion. Meanwhile, for the maintenance of the master also has a certain standard, need to have some professional examination certification, maintenance, professional quality master watch repair also determines whether the quality service and quality.

IV. watch store sale: Here is the watch that stores pre-sales staff of professional quality. Staff will watch a good watch is recommended for consumers and can help consumers control the budget. Of course, as the watch fans have a higher demand, such as the attitude of staff and introduction of watches, the brand's degree of specialization, though not ask staff to achieve a level of watches critics, but at least it can guide buyers provide reference information.

V. Store: the most reliable service more professional, some independent brand stores. There are different levels of stores, the best option to open the store directly by the company, agency nature of the less. From pre-sales to after-sales, stores all have certain advantages, it can be considered in selected brand to the store to buy after the style of the.
watch stores is a way of selling entities, in addition to watchs store the virtual network, the network watch stores the different channels, the price relative to physical watch stores have certain advantages. But also because the domestic network management is still not perfect, so there are certain risks and therefore need to online transactions must carefully select the credibility and quality are guaranteed website.

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21 Oct 2010

Selection of Brand Watch

Watches Review Center Report: How to buy the watch? In fact, this is sometimes even relatively senior watch fans confused the issue, as the economy, aesthetic awareness, brand concepts, changes in consumption level and class, each watch will have their choice of fans more or less doubt. Based on the above considerations, the watch summarizes the many lessons lost friends, bought a new watch provides the basic selection method, here, we only make some brief, but still feel fear, after all, misleading the suspect. If the idea of consistent and watch fans allowed to be proved, it is the best, if inconsistent with the idea of watch fans, it really is to correct me a lot of readers.

Brand choice

Whether novice or watch fans, the choice of the same brand would be hesitant. Too many good brands in the world, the temptation is too much, if determined to buy a watch, the watch must be determined before buying the brand you need. In the brand should consider the following factors:

First, Brand Awareness: As a novice, is probably the most basic reference or to learn according to their own familiar brand. Typically, the watch that is well-known watch, based on experience, I believe that the quality is generally not inferior watches. However, as a novice can not blindly listen to rumors, there are many of my friends go to Hong Kong in recent years to buy a counterfeit watch when, such as VALSTAR, ROSDENTON and other brands to be salesmen touted of stories, in fact, made in China Hong Kong installed. I suggest buying the watch before the novice, you can go look at the professional shop in a large watch to obtain information, get some information on the watch brand, it is very important. Traditional brand, with the progress of the times constantly changing, although some European brands of the same original name, in fact, the production has been assembled in Asia, from the technology and quality has been lagging behind the European origin brand, it is recommended that the first of some well-known brands to understand Houzai dig pocket after all, a rational consumer.

Second, Brand quality: no matter where someone will be to determine the value of brand differentiation grade. watch fans on past experience a lot of the seventies is the ranking of domestic clocks to determine brand positioning, and in that time is still relatively scientific. However, when the level of classification for domestic consumption has considerable limitations, such as the now world-renowned luxury brand PATEK PHILIPPE, VACHERON CONSTANTIN, AUDEMARS PIGUET and so did not included in the rankings. Therefore, the original position itself is not reliable way through the ranks to select a brand is not very scientific, can only be used as the basis for reference, it is recommended that novices do before buying a watch ranking the blind pursuit of unwarranted.

Sometimes, the so-called grade is entirely based on the brand to the targeted price level, this is perhaps the market needs, of course, the watch can be used as the basis for the watch to buy one of the fans.

In addition, the entry is not necessarily high-end watch brand to be higher than the mid-range brand of high-end models, which take time to look at data and comparing to understand.

Third, Brand Series: The selected brands, novice occasionally on a wide variety of different series has been confused. The choice is not difficult, some of each brand would have set a series of different grades for the different needs of consumers. If TISSOT is higher than the entry Ballade series to Seastar series, Po Nga series is Tissot's flagship series, the starfish is the entry-series; such as ROLEX and YACHT-MASTER Series Of course, higher than the Air King series. Of course, some brands of series is not entirely classified the level of quality watches, but more than just a style choice.

Many friends often ask how a brand? The choice of which brand is more upscale these more appropriate? Difficult to answer this question, a series of high-end brands are not all uniform horizontal line. I remember a very wonderful old saying --- "I would rather be beheaded, not vote for Pteris" I believe in the choice of brand, think of this sentence, it might be enlightening.

Article Source: http://www.watchreviewcenter.com

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20 Oct 2010

How to Choose A Good Watch

Watches Review Center Report: How to buy the watch? In fact, this is sometimes even relatively senior watch fans confused the issue, as the economy, aesthetic awareness, brand concept, consumption levels and changes in taste, fans of each watch will have their choice more or less doubt. Based on the above considerations, the watch summarizes the many lessons lost friends, bought a new watch provides the basic selection method, here, we only make some brief, but still feel fear, after all, misleading the suspect. If the idea of consistent and watch fans allowed to be proved, it is the best, if inconsistent with the idea of watch fans, it really is to correct me a lot of readers.

Select price

Economic base can not be separated any choice. No money, all options will become unnecessary obscenity. So, how's the price for you?

First: Principles: always stressed the watch to do what to buy. Watch long ago seen the famous critic, Mr. Zhu Lei's article on how to buy the watch, referring to a principle --- to two months salary to buy a watch as a benchmark. I believe this principle is very useful for working-class, without affecting the daily life, and in line with the identity of the wearer. Of course, this principle does not apply to all people, for the fanatical pursuit of the perfect watch fans, two months salary? Not enough!

Second: Location: even watch fans, we usually take into account the cost of the problem. The more expensive watchs, lower cost, because the same thing is to look at the time, why sell an expensive? Talking about here is relatively cost-effective, based on comprehensive consideration, to a certain price range to choose the most appropriate brand and style. watch fans can look forward to see how much the price range I recommend what brand what style, but unfortunately I worry about partial and biased towards their favorite brands and styles, too subjective, no matter whether or not to write.
Good watch, one point is definitely the price is substantial. Do not expect bargains, watch the process, quality, quality, value, and ultimately are reflected in the price of. According to their economic capacity, choose the right brand and watch, can not afford to buy a watch, it is recommended to appreciate the main only.

Feature selection

Different functions and styles, where the function refers to the movement to the complexity of the classification, are generally divided into: simple models, complex models two categories. Simply display the time or money just to increase up to the function of the calendar week, and a wide range of complex models, the significance of the actual use is not large, generally this novice, feature selection will not be much of a problem. Here only two common issues for a simple prompt.
First. Manual or automatic?
Sometimes the novice will be confused to buy a watch in the manual section on the mechanical and automatic selection of models. In my opinion, if only for practical, more appropriate then select Automatic watch. Manual watch for watch fans, watch fans as more willing to take the time to enjoy the kind of feeling on the bar, watch fans, that moment is a treasure.
Second. Quartz or mechanical?
If only for the purpose of accurate and practical to buy watchs, quartz watch is the best choice. For an iron watch fans, no matter from which side we would all choose mechanical watches, mechanical watches, after all, the charm of a generation after generation, not here for a long article.

19 Oct 2010

watch five operating structure

Watches Review Center Report: according to the different power sources can be divided into mechanical (and into the hands of the list with automatic lists), quartz watches, automatic quartz watch, solar watch and the hands of the newly invented quartz watch chain, and so on, because the structure of the different, different characteristics, but also in the use of a different note, this overview will provide you one by one.

First, Automatic mechanical watches:

Refers to use of barrel storage powered watches. The beginning of all the power to send forces from the spring to tighten the fan in the second car, San Francisco, four-car fan, car fan V (escape wheel), then the balance wheel clamp, and then swing round reaction to the messenger, so that Prior to the location of their recovery, so that the process will make the whole operation cycle, continue to produce power. Mechanical hands can be divided into two kinds of chain and automatic chain.

A. hand list: leading by staff rotation, drive on the chain system in order to stimulate wound on the full chain.

Note: for the first time in my first time on a chain to the full chain on their own, should look at laps, then went the same way according to at least 8,9 points to, not on the chain too, to avoid spring break .

B. automatically on the list: the swing arm driven by the automated plate back and forth, to achieve the automatic effect of a wound.! ~ 3d?

Note: Automatic watch has a spring return device, so the unhappy chain, when the stop watch gone, so long as the last few laps winding walk to the other to rely on hand when the wearing of the swing to achieve the effect on the chain.

Second, Quartz quartz watch:?

Refers to the watch battery and crystal oscillator used to calculate and display the time, its movement is manufactured by the frequency of the quartz, and now can be divided into common Analog quartz watches and digital quartz watch, the biggest feature is accurate, the normal temperature range, the monthly error is about + - 15-20 seconds.

A. Analog quartz watches: the use of battery power to produce the frequency of quartz, and then using IC board divider and control coil and magnetic car, drive gear and rotate it a pointer, at which time, the minute hand is basically driven by electricity .. O

B. Digital quartz watches: Analog quartz watch basic principles and the same, but it does not gear, but directly to the liquid crystal film (LCD) to display the time.

Note: lC board walk normally for a long time, the contact point will be accumulated dirt or moisture, so also, and mechanical, like 2,3 years, maintenance of a wash oil, and wear for long periods of time is best to remove the battery to avoid battery fluid board out of the corrosion, wet weather in some areas, the choice of Japanese battery, would be more suiwatch.

Third, solar watch:

Solar cell is made using high purity silicon, this special treatment after the formation of two layers of silicon thin layer, when the sun or light exposure to the silicon surface, will be able to light into photocurrent and photovoltage. Current flows from the high voltage to low voltage solar cell watch battery and can be recharged. In order to prevent the inflow of solar watches the voltage is too high, and the internal resistance of the diode to act as a buffer to protect the watch battery and life.

Note: regular check of course, is ineviwatch, and the other to note that replacing the battery must be used to take plastic or bamboo forceps, using metal forceps easily lead to short circuit.

Fourth, automatic quartz watches:& \

It is the automatic watch with a combination of quartz watches, wearers of its power source from the swing arm automatic disk drive watch rotation, the kinetic energy generated by the system of micro-generation within the motor into energy for quartz watch device to provide adequate electricity, the excess energy stored will be micro-capacitors. The use of mechanical energy into electrical energy design, after today's technology continues to improve, the full energy, the sustainable operation of up to tens of days. Automatic quartz watch with automatic chain of convenience on the watch with the precision quartz watch, and without the use of batteries, more environmentally friendly, there are more and more brands make this type of watch.

Note: To regular maintenance, and avoid watchs placed in the local magnetic

Fifth, hand chain quartz:

SElKO Group from Japan, published in 1998 Spring Drive technology, most of the structure is identical with the mechanical watch, but the core of the mechanical watch escapement structure of a part of the structure using a quartz oscillator, so Some people think that it should belong to the quartz watch is, but strictly speaking Spring Drive technology actually be derived from mechanical design, because the quartz oscillator and magnetic car is in the Spring Drive above as "brake" effect, timing, power components source still comes from the barrel, provided by the quartz oscillator signals for consecutive points to put the magnetic car action to contain the second hand, so watch with Spring Drive technology, such as mechanical watches the second hand is a little bit like stepping, Because of the frequency with quartz oscillator core, so although regarded as mechanical watches, but have a month + - 15 seconds of high precision, but also where the reach of mechanical watches

18 Oct 2010

Armin Watch for Virgin Racing F1 Team

Watches Review Center Report: Armin racing - Armin storm watch is pleased to announce the team's F1 car with a new long-term partnership. To Armin named first game from the 2011 season, the luxury watch brands will be the team's official timing partner.
A Armin racing by Swiss watch brand in the UK, Armin dealers and storm Linder Luxury co-funding for the creation of the issuer.
40 years, Armin of Wei Mingji at the highest level of hand-carved and hand the world-renowned watchmaking skills. A Armin AG was founded in 2006 and headquartered in the Bell Centre, the Swiss watch list.

Today, Armin has become a brand is a perfect "watch factory," is one of the few able to watch home-made precision parts of the company. They not only represent the traditional proprietary high-precision watchmaking skills, and they also provide the wearer a unique personality elements.
In Armin watches the car brand represents the modern style of decoration, and taking into account the importance of traditional values watch. I, through a series of such a watch with a young Acacia, carefully hammer training, and with a high degree of passion for the team, stressing the integration of a sense of modern science and technology, the traditional wrist watch given to new and innovative way.
Racing team through collaboration with the Virgin, and from now on watch F1 race technology and the materials used in inspiration, they hope to create an exclusive collection of a series of special custom Virgin Racing timepieces

Article Source: http://www.watchreviewcenter.com

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16 Oct 2010

Watch Information: Famous Movement ETA

Watches Review Center Report: ETA What is it?The world's largest products, semi-finished movement manufacturers

ETA has a history to be traceable to the late 18th century: in 1793, established a watch factory.Opened in 1855 and specializes in the manufacture of another "Ebauches (semi-finished watch movements)" factory. It was later named ETA. In 1926, brings together the major gaps in the Swiss movement manufacturer's stock company Ebauches SA established. When the SMH in 1983 after the establishment, Ebauches SA changed its name to ETA SA Fabriques dEbauches. Switzerland and around the world now has a staff of more than 9 thousand ETA is the world's largest manufacturer of watches and movements. In 1996 the annual output reached 100 million units. Manufacturing and assembly plants located in Switzerland and France, Germany, Thailand, Malaysia and China around the world.

Swatch Group's ETA as the cornerstone of the main activities are as follows:
Technical studies to ensure that Swiss watches;
Development of accessories at low prices, movement and mass production of the entire watch;
Watches and production machines to master all the technical;
Mass movement and watch assembly.

Self R & D
To achieve these objectives, ETA has its own research and development laboratory: it is also responsible for their own production equipment design and development. For example, ETA one of the most successful products in recent years - Swatch production line (so far have produced over 200 million watches), which is to their own design, development and construction. Active in the ETA on the market 30 kinds of series of electronic and mechanical watch movements shall be in accordance with the provisions of the relevant quality assurance requirements of each production process through the quality inspection system. ETA has a global parts distribution network and after-sales service of the movement for the stock. Distributed to all markets through regular technical information and international training courses, ETA was significantly enhanced on the global impact of professional watchmaker.

ETA movement Overview:
Dynamic time
Diameter (mm)
Thickness (mm)
Drill Number
BPS vibration / second
8 3 / 4
Three needle calendar.
10 1 / 2
Three needle calendar.
10 1 / 2
2004-1.9 permanent position when the second hand, 30 points 3 plot the location calculations, 6 o'clock 12-time product calculation.
7 3 / 4
Three needle.
7 3 / 4
2660 + automata + calendar.
7 3 / 4
2671 + weeks.
8 3 / 4
Three needle calendar.
8 3 / 4
2681-- seconds + moon phase
8 3 / 4
Yao Day 2681 + (6 Vibration 2681 cheap version).
11 1 / 2
2824-2-- automatically - at pay.
11 1 / 2
2824-2-- automatically.
11 1 / 2
Three needle calendar automatically.
2824-2 + all week, said
11 1 / 2
2824-2 + b Mandarin weeks.
11 1 / 2
(6 vibration 2836-2 cheap version).
11 1 / 2
Three needle calendar.Total 24 hours 12 o'clock, 6 o'clock kinetic energy storage
11 1 / 2
2892A2 + World Time
11 1 / 2
2892A2 + central needle 24 times.
12 1 / 2
2892A2 + across the three target time.Permanent second hand at 3 o'clock, 9 o'clock 30 minutes plot calculations, 6 o'clock 12-time product calculation.
11 1 / 2
Small 3-pin version 2892A2
11 1 / 2
2892A2 + Big Calendar
11 1 / 2
2892A2 +7 position of power when the total storage.
16 1 / 2
Primary three-pin (Lepine crown diagonal seconds.)
16 1 / 2
Primary three-pin (Savonette, the crown the right 90 degrees).
10 1 / 2
Primary three-pin
13 1 / 4
Vertical and three projects in mind when the calendar.Permanent second hand 9 o'clock, 12 o'clock 30 minutes plot calculations, 6 o'clock 12-time product calculation.
13 1 / 4
7750 - +24 hours a week on paid meter (9 o'clock) + Yueyao Ri (12 o'clock position) + position of the moon phase 6).
13 1 / 4
7750 three cross-head version. Position 30 12 3 plot the location calculations.
13 1 / 4
7750 + 24 hours to the middle pin.
13 1 / 4
7750 - time product calculation, + -12 week phase of the moon
13 1 / 4
7750 - Automatic organization.
13 1 / 4
7760-- weeks time product calculation -12
13 1 / 4
7765 + moon phase
13 1 / 4
7750 +

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